Non-Discrimination Policy

Childbirth International’s Committment

Discrimination and harassment are human rights violations. Childbirth International (CBI) is committed to providing a learning and working environment free from discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully, have equal opportunities, and are treated with respect and kindness. CBI has a no-tolerance policy for discrimination and harassment where these will not be condoned, tolerated, or ignored. CBI has a comprehensive strategy to preventing and addressing discrimination and harassment that includes:

  • Training and education for all members of the CBI team to ensure everyone knows their rights and responsibilities.
  • Regularly examining systems and processes to eliminate barriers that prevent equality and equity.
  • Ensuring an effective, fair, and transparent complaints and grievance process.
  • Promoting professional and respectful interactions between the CBI team, students, and graduates.

The decisions made by CBI regarding recruitment, promotion, training, and the assignment of trainers to a student are made without discrimination on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or belief system, age, body size or shape, pregnancy, sexual orientation, biological gender, gender identity, gender expression, gender reassignment, disability, political ideology, or marital status.

Platforms maintained by CBI, including but not limited to, social media platforms and the CBI student learning site, will be safe and inclusive spaces where discrimination, harassment, bullying, and prejudiced or bias statements will not be tolerated.

Policy Objectives

CBI’s Non-Discrimination Policy seeks to:

  • Ensure all CBI team members (including Directors, staff, trainers, volunteers, interns, contractors), CBI students and graduates, are aware that discrimination and harassment are unacceptable practices and are incompatible with the standards, professionalism, and values of CBI.
  • Set out the types of behavior that may be considered inappropriate or offensive and are prohibited by this policy.
  • Identify the potential consequences for an individual who violates this policy.



Discrimination is the unjust or negative treatment of an individual because they belong to a particular group. It can be subtle and implied, or overt and explicit.

Examples of discrimination include, but not limited to:

  • Sexism: Treating a person negatively because of their sex, gender, or gender identity.
  • Ableism: When someone is treated negatively because of a disability they live with or where they do not have an ability that is culturally considered the norm.
  • Racism: Treating a person negatively because of their skin color, ethnicity, or national origin.
  • Homophobia: Treating someone negatively because of their sexual orientation.
  • Transphobia: Treating someone negatively because they are transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, pangender, genderfluid, gender non-conforming, two-spirit, or agender.
  • Body shaming: Treating a person negatively because of their body size.
  • Classism: Treating someone negatively because of how much money they have or because of their social standing.


Harassment relates to comments or actions that are known, or reasonably should be known, to be unwelcome. They can be based on a person’s ethnicity, gender, nationality, religious or spiritual beliefs, sexuality, age, body size, or abilities. Harassment includes:

  • The use of words, phrases, innuendoes, or epithets that relate to a person’s gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religious or spiritual beliefs, age, body size, sexual orientation, abilities, or any other grounds.
  • Distributing or posting offensive images or memes.
  • Making demeaning and humiliating comments, teasing, or joking because a person is part of a particular group.
  • Ridiculing or mocking a person because of characteristics they have.
  • Unwelcome physical or sexual contact.
  • Verbal abuse, teasing, or taunting.


Prejudice relates to attitudes and opinions that a person has about another person or a group of people based on their membership to that group. Prejudice occurs when a person relies on inaccurate beliefs, negative perceptions, and stereotypes to make judgements about individuals and groups that they are not a part of.

CBI Representatives

CBI Representatives include:

  • CBI Directors
  • Staff (full and part-time)
  • Contractors
  • Volunteers and Interns


All CBI Representatives, students and graduates, are expected to uphold and abide by this policy, by refraining from participating in any form of harassment or discrimination, cooperating fully with any investigation of a harassment or discrimination complaint, and seeking to address their own prejudices and biases.

Directors, managers and trainers have the additional responsibility to act immediately when they observe, or receive allegations of, discrimination, harassment, or prejudice. It is the responsibility of all CBI Representatives to create an environment that is fair, respectful, and free from discrimination and harassment and to seek to eliminate prejudice.

All CBI Representatives are expected to carry out their duties without harassment or discrimination toward any other CBI Representative, or toward any student or graduate. They have the right to expect to be treated with respect and not be subject to harassment or discrimination themselves.

Reporting Policy Violations

CBI Representatives, students, and graduates, are encouraged to report any violations of this policy. Any reports of discrimination, harassment, bullying or prejudice will be treated seriously and will be investigated fairly and equitably, and with transparency. Any individual who makes a complaint of harassment or discrimination, or provides information related to such complaints, can be assured that:

  • They will be protected against retaliation for making the complaint.
  • They can make the complaint to CBI verbally or in writing.
  • Their complaint will be confidential to the extent possible (reasonable disclosure may be required during an investigation of the complaint).
  • All complaints will be managed promptly, thoroughly and in an impartial manner.
  • If harassment or discrimination are found to have occurred during a resulting investigation, immediate and appropriate corrective action will be taken.

Potential Consequences of Policy Violations

Discrimination Toward CBI Representatives

CBI will not tolerate any harassment of, or discrimination towards, its representatives. Requests from students to transfer to a new trainer because of discriminatory factors will not be considered under any circumstances. Complaints of discrimination or harassment toward CBI Representatives will be reported to the Grievance Committee and investigated. In cases where the complaints are confirmed after investigation, appropriate corrective action will be taken towards the individual who has discriminated or harassed, which may include:

  • A written warning
  • Suspension from the program
  • Additional requirements to fulfill certification
  • Removal from the program without a refund

Discrimination by CBI Representatives

CBI Representatives are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner without prejudice or bias. Complaints about CBI Representatives violating this policy will be taken seriously and will be investigated by the Grievance Committee. In cases where the complaints are confirmed after investigation, appropriate corrective action will be taken towards the CBI Representative who has discriminated or harassed, which may include:

  • A written warning
  • Requirement for the CBI Representative to make a written apology to the person who was discriminated against
  • Further training and professional development required by the CBI Representative on equity, human rights, and anti-discrimination
  • Suspension for a fixed period of time
  • Cancellation of the contract between CBI and the CBI Representative

Discrimination in Student Interactions

CBI will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or bullying between students, or the reinforcement of negative stereotypes, on the social media platforms that CBI manages, or in forums on the CBI student learning platform. When a student is posting on CBI-managed social media platforms or in forums on the CBI student learning platform, they are expected to be respectful of diverse perspectives, to write in a way that is respectful, kind, and non-judgmental, and without reinforcing negative stereotypes. Complaints made about students interacting on CBI platforms will be investigated. If confirmed after investigation, corrective action may include:

  • A written warning
  • Correction of the post to acknowledge and take responsibility for the harm their posting may have caused
  • A written apology if an individual was targeted
  • Further reflection or professional development required on equity, human rights, and anti-discrimination
  • Suspension from the program
  • Additional requirements to fulfill certification
  • Removal from the program without a refund

Any complaints that relate to a breach of this policy can be made by email to

CBI Policies