About Childbirth Educator Training
Becoming a Childbirth Educator (Antenatal Teacher) is a life-changing experience. It’s rewarding to see how, in just a few classes, you can help your clients to feel empowered to become the parents they want to be. CBI childbirth educators do more than just pass on information in their classes. Through our Childbirth Educator training program, our educators understand how to teach the skills so that clients can make informed choices, put a plan in place for when unexpected situations come up, gain decision-making skills, and have the confidence to communicate their choices to caregivers. During your childbirth educator training, you’ll learn how to teach these skills in your classes while making them fun and interactive.
Clients need more than information on the process of birth and medical interventions to have the births they hope for. You’ll develop strong communication skills, develop skills that help your clients navigate the healthcare system, learn the critical skills of reflective practice and active listening, and learn why these are so important. You’ll also gain a full understanding of how to help clients have realistic expectations and get the birth they want – using a unique blend of skills & models developed by Childbirth International. While looking at different teaching techniques, you’ll learn about active teaching skills that keep your classes focused, engaging, and relevant to your clients.

A ready-made curriculum is provided in your course for all students in our Childbirth Educator training program which you are free to use or you can develop your own curriculum. Through the course, you’ll also learn how to develop your own teaching plan and curriculum to suit the unique needs of your clients and your personal preferences & style. The Business of Birth module will give you the skills and knowledge to launch or grow your practice so it can meet your personal goals.
Compare Childbirth Educator Training Programs
We know that choosing a training provider can be confusing when they all seem to have different requirements and different pricing structures. To make it easier for you to make a comparison, we have put together a helpful chart for you to compare CBI to other certified childbirth educator training programs.
Straight-Forward, Upfront Pricing
You won’t be asked to pay membership or certification fees, your certification is for life, and there won’t be any extra fees. You won’t have the additional costs for attending a workshop, like accommodation, travel, and childcare. To make the course more affordable, you can choose to pay it off over five months and still have full access to all your course materials from day one, or pay in one simple, single payment. If you buy more than one certification course at the same time, we’ll say thanks by giving you a 15-25% discount, and as a student completing training and certification with CBI, you’ll always have a 15% discount on any future courses you buy. Read more about our course discounts.
Risk-Free With a Full Refund Option
Deciding to join us on your journey to become a certified childbirth educator is risk-free. If you decide this course isn’t right for you, email us within 48 hours of registering, and we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. You can read our refund policy for details.
- Five easy payments
- Immediate course access
- Buy printed manuals at end of the plan
- Admin fee ($10/month)
US$1,005 + shipping
- One single payment
- Immediate course access
- Printed manuals sent immediately
- No admin fee
- One single payment
- Immediate course access
- Use web or app
- Gentle on the planet!
It’s so rewarding to see how a client can become empowered to have a positive birth experience when you become a childbirth educator
Easy to Understand Childbirth Educator Certification Requirements
To become a certified childbirth educator with Childbirth International, you’ll submit assignments and complete exams. Once the requirements are completed, you’ll be awarded a certificate showing you are a Certified Childbirth Educator. There are no extra costs for certification and your certification is for life. We want to make sure that the work you do is relevant and useful to you. We won’t ask you to have another childbirth educator or your clients evaluate you, or have you read extra books. Every requirement is designed to build on your knowledge and skills and give you a deeper understanding of your role. The requirements for becoming a certified childbirth educator with Childbirth International are:
- Set personal goals for communicating with clients and caregivers
- Critique two videos for bias and evidence
- Analyze case studies on reflective practice and physiology to explore
- Complete online, open-book exams (between 10-20 multiple choice questions in each) on physiology
- Survey the childbirth education options available to clients within your community
- Observe another childbirth educator teaching a class for four hours (in-person or virtually)
- Write the aims and learning outcomes for a childbirth education activity
- Teach six hours of childbirth education classes (in-person or virtually)
- Reflect on your role and the skills you used when teaching classes
Once the requirements are met, you’ll be awarded a certificate showing you are a Certified Childbirth Educator. There are no additional costs for certification, and your certification is for life.
Whats Included in Your Childbirth Educator Training
We want to make sure you feel confident in teaching childbirth classes that are informative and engaging and enable your clients to have the birth experience they want and feel empowered in making the choices that are right for them. Our comprehensive curriculum, your trainer’s feedback, and the support of your fellow students through the private student group all ensure that you have the skills and knowledge you need to provide great childbirth education classes. You can read about the topics from the links below – click on the topic title to read more.
Intro to Childbirth Education
Planning & Structuring a Course
Teaching Adults
Active Teaching Skills
Using Visual Aids
Evaluating Your Teaching
Teaching Activities
Communicating With Clients & Caregivers
Diversity & Cultural Humility
Reflective Practice
Grief & Loss
Anatomy & Physiology of Pregnancy & Birth
Physiology of the Early Postpartum Period
Psychological Wellbeing
Adaptation of the Newborn
Health, Nutrition, & Diet-Related Issues
Pain in Labor & Pain Management
Labor Interventions, Policies & Procedures
Cesarean & Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Introduction to Lactation
Using Research & Evidence-Informed Care
Finances, Taxes, & Legal Isses
Goals & Values For Your Business
Marketing Your Business
Thank you so much for creating such an amazing course and know that CBI has changed my life in unimaginable ways. Best decision ever!
Evangeline, Singapore